Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Coffee Shop Catch Up: The February Edition

A wise person once said; '...if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.'

I think I speak on behalf of both myself and Shanice when I say that this quote applies more to us now, that it ever has in our lives and most likely ever will. College students working on Alevels. Looking at universities and planning a trip back packing around Europe, all the whilst balancing all those demands with a job, studying and in my case learning to drive -

-to say that there are moments when it all gets way too much would be true. A breakdown a week in my case is no exaggeration. Whether that be bursting into tears because I can't find my concealer, or having a go at someone because they made a joke and I wasn't in the mood. 

When you've got all this going on, a blog kind of falls to the bottom of the pile. So to anyone who has actually stuck with us and is reading this post I scincerely apologise. Anyway, we are back!

Any of you who have been reading out blog for a while will know that we generally give you a catch up on our lives after every period of a sense. Well, this is just that, only, it's called 'Coffee Shop Catch Up' and this is the February edition. 

So, what is new with Shabs as a duo?

Well, planning of Europe is well underway. We are practically working our way through every single travel blog out there to try and find the best things to do in all the cities we are off to. So suggestions are more than welcomed! 

We are both heavily preoccupied by out eighteenth birthdays. Neither of us can wait - even if it is just for the excuse to meet up. Abby's is in April and Shanice's is in May. So you can prepare yourselves for a post on each. 

The sad news is that we haven't seen each other since before Christmas (see above for the longggggg reason) meaning we haven't had a moan, a fan girl, and Abby hasn't got her Christmas present yet. Yet, as of the 13th we have a week off from college when you can bet your lucky socks that we will be meeting up. That meet up will no doubt also be filled to the brim with Europe talk. 

What about in Abby's life?

Erm... Way too much work is filling my life right about now. I've got essays coming out of my ears, differentiation in my dreams and I'm eating cases for breakfast. Ask me a question an I will probably tell you the law behind what you ask. 

I'm going on applicant days to universities - which are so exciting! I mean I came home from one yesterday and 24 hours later I still haven't shut up about it! What else? Well on Tuesday I am going to a lecture put on by David Crystal - an English language theorist. 

Other than that, my highly emotional state causes a little less fun than usual. 

What about in Shanice's life?

Ok,so our readers are probably sick to death of hearing about my love life, but I'm going to update you all again. I love this boy, and I'm telling the blog before I've told him. I'm either a super dedicated blogger or a huge coward. I'll let you decide which. He is SO uncomplicated, it's just so easy and I'm loving it. I am incredibly happy.
I'm also drowning in essays, laws (only business ones though), and cases (psychology, not law in my  case). Abby has already explained how stressful all this is so I wont repeat it.
Other than that I've been going to the gym at least twice a week. It destresses me so much, and I love that I'm making time just for myself. My health and fitness are both improving and I am enjoying it so much.

What are we currently loving?

I think number one definitely has to be travel blogs. For both of us. There is barely a night that goes by when we are not sending another links to posts about how to pack, or what to do in a country. It's become a fundamental part of our lives. So on a link to this, we are also loving bloglovin' for all their awesome blog suggestions. 

Pinterest - this is purely an Abby thing. I was forced to download it a couple of years ago no, and really never bothered much with it. However the number of pictures of where we are going on there made me fall in love with it all over again. I mean it, my boards now have super cute names, and they're filled to the brim with gorgeous pins!

Our pets - I feel they deserve special recognition. In time of stress they give us unconditional love and always manage to put a smile on our face! So Scrappy (Abby), Staffy, Lexi, Missy and Bubbles (Shanice) We love you lots.

The coffee has finished, the cake has been eaten and now we have to return to reality...

Shabs x

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