Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Dedicated friends.

Now this post is a little out of our ordinary (and a wordy one at that, I do apologise.), but I (Shanice) feel that it needs to be said, and read, to remind us that friends are incredibly important and can make our lives so much happier.

I recently went through a breakup of a relationship, I was and still am totally in love with the boy but I accept we're young and I'm not what he wants anymore. That being said it doesn't make it any less painful or upsetting.

Abby, the other half of Shabs, has made it her mission to keep me smiling and make me feel better. She is talking to me constantly, offering me support and her wise words and sending me little pictures or quotes to make me feel better about myself and smile. I can not thank her enough as I can't imagine how I would be feeling right now without her.

I love the quote 'Friends are the family we choose for ourselves'.  I believe wholeheartedly in this as my family aren't the best but my friends are incredible. 

People often take their friends for granted as they see them as easily 'replaceable'. If one of your friends treats you badly constantly for a long period of time and there is nothing you can do to salvage any sort of friendship then cut that person loose without a second thought!
but, and it's a big but if your friend is just having a bad day, or week allow them that. We are all only human and we need compassion and patience from each other.

The basis of any friendship is understanding, and thats not something that always comes easy. A friendship also takes dedication and effort and I feel that a lot of people forget this sometimes. Myself included!

So really the point of all that was make sure you appreciate the people in your life. Abby's kindness has reminded me that I should be doing more to remind the people around me how much I love and care for them and it's something I intend to do!

Shanice x

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