This little getting to know us session came about via text, shabs have not actually met up since before this blog started - but next weekend we are! So buckle your seat belts and keep an eye out for that post. But today is a different matter. Seaming as you're going to be playing witness to our lives, it's only fair you get to know us a little, so here goes...
Here we are:
Shanice is the brunette, Abby is the blonde. Yet because a picture only tells half the story, we conducted 15 insightful - and slightly useless - questions to answer just for you. If you want to know anything else though, then you need to make use of that amazing 'comment' function.
First up, Shanice:
Age: 16
Favourite drink: Water - boring but healthy.
Favourite food: Pasta - unfortunately, for my figure, I'm a carb addict.
Last song you listened to: Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio, If I didn't know better
Favourite singer/band: Oasis or The Kooks or Clare Bowen. I'm the most indecisive person alive, definitely one of my worst traits!
Last book you read: I re-read Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins. It's one of my go to book series to read when I'm stressing and need to escape for a while.
Book you're reading now: I'm re-reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Also a great book to escape into when the real world is too stressful. ( I'm currently going into exam season and stress is my middle name)
Last film you watched: FROZEN! Anything Disney is my favourite.
Favourite TV show: Game of Thrones without a doubt is one of the best shows ever made!
Favourite perfume: Calvin Klein, Shock
Favourite lipstick shade: 330 Sloane Plum, Rimmel Moisture Renew.
Last thing you bought: Fruit Booster from Caffe Nero.
Currently study: Biology and Business at AS level.
A place you want to visit: Can I say everywhere? Because the planet is pretty and I want to see it all.
Now Abby:
Age: 17
Favourite drink: Tea! Yes, I really am that stereotypically british. I cannot function first thing in a morning if I haven't had my mug of tea - strong with just a splash of milk.
Favourite food: Chocolate a lot of the time, but I just love any good food. Especially if it's home cooked, like soup, pasta, pie!
Last song you listened to: Automatic by Miranda Lambert
Favourite singer/band: Eric Church 100%, simply because he has such a respect for music, he loves what he does and that energy is contagious. A lot of the time he also plays tributes to the music greats: Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams - that is admirable in my eyes.
Last book you read: Divergent by Veronica Roth - consequent to this book I'm now desperate for Insurgent. The cliche 'I couldn't put it down' phrase was completely true as I must admit it only took me three days to read (and I'm a slow reader).
Book you're reading now: Moonraker by Ian Flemming
Last film you watched: It's Complicated - I adore Meryl Streep and she was incredible as per usual.
Favourite TV show: NCIS or Nashville - I'm indecisive
Favourite perfume: Just Pink by Next
Favourite lipstick shade: Moonshine by Avon - it's the palest of pinks, and so subtle, but it works with my pale skin tone, goes with everything and is my go to shade when I'm running really late.
Last thing you bought: As boring as it is, a folder for my law work. Sadly due to my Minnie Mouse folder having broken.
Currently study: English Language, Law, French, Maths and Statistics, and Critical Thinking, all at AS level.
A place you want to visit: USA! (Next year!) In particular Nashville, New York, and Washington DC.
There we go, that's us: shabs, shabby. Shanice and Abby - I think you've just learnt who talks the most! Until next week though, that's it.
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